abril 11, 2014

inspira-te #6: catchdreamer

Olá Scrappers! Hoje eu termino a semana com mais um vídeo da série Inspira-te. Hoje a minha inspiração vem de uma mural de imagem inspirador que eu achei no Pinterest e me deu o pontapé inicial para criar um enfeite personalizado para um página. Veja o vídeo abaixo:

Hello Scrappers! Today I came with a video. It's on Portuguese, but it's easy to follow up. I was inspired for this image I found on Pinterest:

I used especially the pallete colors and the image with a crochet doily to create my own catchdreamer. I made my crochet doily, but I didn't use a model for it. It's not perfect, but I was not with time to find some nice model. I just was doing like I want it. 

I use water and mist for the background, some paper for my feathers and some beads and special sequins I find im my mother atelier. I love my catchdreamer and my layout.

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